Thursday, September 3, 2009

wlio school delays. Honest info

I remember as a child how excited I was when I wake up one day at school and found several inches of snow fell on the floor. The first thought that always gave me was: "I hope that the school is closed!

In those days there was a lot of technology to announce the closure of the school. In fact, the main method of communication is the radio. And radio stations announced that the school delays and closing all 15 minutes really need that attention. And as always, gave it in alphabetical order and my school has to be seen with the letter 'S' anticipation, if my school has announced that she was brutally started.

Fast forward 30 years
Now I have two kids myself and make things a little differently. Take this morning for example. Just in time clock at 6:00, my phone rang with a text message saying that my children's school is delayed for 2 hours. At the same time, my wife received the same text message on his cell phone. Later, my phone second, as the phone and my wife, our house phone all at the same time with a pre-recorded message announcing the delay of the school. Out of curiosity, I checked my e-mail and actually an e-mail with the text transcript of a pre-recorded telephone message.

And although in some incredible series of circumstances, I lost all messages for all of our local television stations to run a continuous trading in the bottom of the screen with a list of school delays and closures. And because I TiVo, if I go to school in alphabetical order, my kids miss happens and do not want to wait for the next round of arrival, you can rewind the live broadcast, and that you will find information about the school my children.

I miss the kind of anticipation of the old school.

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